Does Geforce GTX 1650 graphic card have enough power to play most popular games in 2024?


(2020 Geforce GTX 1650 oc edition,source author)

Graphic cards become increasingly important part of any gaming pc .As important as that some games might not run that well without it .Of course it's not just graphic card that make any pc fast or perhaps fast enough to run games on it without losing frame rate or getting any glitches.

Modern day's games (specially AAA list) require higher setting in order to run games smothly and efficently.There's lot of graphic card's out there and non of them tell you if they have enough power to run certain games or not except for recommended or minimum requirements.

Is GTX 1650 graphic card still strong enough to run modern games ?
Yes but also maybe.
(As with any graphic card there is always different style and color,source google)

Yes it can run Roblox,Warcraft or Minecraft on 8gb ram even on higher setting and yes it might potencially run Witcher 3 or Fortnite as well with probably 16gb ram but question is what about GTA or titles that require lot of memory?

Well...yes you will be able to run those game smothly but probably only on Low/Medium setting but No on high setting as some games high setting can become very demanding .

Minimum system requirements:

System info watts hard-disc GB Ram GB Operating system
1.Pci Express-complaint motherboard with one dual-width x16 graphics slot 2.300w or greater system power supply 3.1.5GB available hard-disc space 4.min.4GB system memory (8GB is recommended) 5.Microsoft Windows 10/11 (minimum windows 7)