MS-DOS x86 - a retro operating,etc.

  *Update : to run Msdos program and games on newer versions of Windows you need program like more

                        (MS-DOS, source Bing)

Beginning in 1988 with DR - DOS, several  contending products were released for the x86 platform.  

(MS-DOS a computer system that run games too, source Google)

                          (source, Google)

Progressive  interpretation releases delivered support for other mass  storehouse media in ever lesser sizes and formats, along with added  point support for newer processors and  fleetly evolving computer  infrastructures. 

       (MS-DOS and other operating systems rights to sell been purchased by Microsoft)

Eventually, it was the very crucial product in Microsoft's development from a programming language company to a different software development  establishment,  furnishing the company with essential  profit and marketing  coffers. 

          (MS-DOSx86 games can still be played on modern PC's)

It was also the underpinning  introductory operating system on which early  performances of Windows ran as a GUI. 

                      (Source, Google)

MS-DOS games can be played on modern PCs but not as they are. They require program like Dos-Box or similar to be able to run any newer versions of Windows .You can then play all the classics you remember just make sure you check downloaded file for Phishing or Viruses...😉

Added articles related to MS-DOS :

Doskey (article) - Called Doskey.exe, which recalls previously entered command-line commands, edits command lines, and creates more

Command line syntax key more

cubeblogstation rating : not specified (N/A)
